
User Guide for Daman

Daman is a Bot with can keep track of tasks for you. It is capable of storing tasks as a todo, deadline or event task, complete with time storage for the latter two. It also includes functionality to delete, mark as done and find a given task.


Daman boasts many features which include:

Storing of Tasks

Daman stores your task list as a file whenever you add to or remove a task. This feature is persistent between different instances of Daman.

###Showing Tasks Daman can show you all the current tasks in its list.

###Completing Tasks Daman can mark you tasks as complete on the list.

###Deleting Tasks Daman can delete a task of your choice from the list, if you do not want to see that task again.

###Finding Tasks Daman can help you search for a task which includes a given keyword.

###Displaying Help Daman is user-friendly and can give you a list of commands available if you forget them.


bye - Exits Daman

bye exits Daman.

help - Displays list of commands

help lists out all the available commands and briefly describes them.

find - Find tasks with keyword

find lists out all the tasks that contain the given keyword.

Example of usage:

find homework

Expected outcome:

 1. [T][X] Do homework
 2. [D][X] Do CS2103 individual homework (by: 31/12/2019)

list - List all tasks in tasklist

list displays all the tasks that are present in the tasklist.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

 1. [T][X] Do homework
 2. [D][X] Do CS2103 individual homework (by: 31/12/2019)
 3. [E][X] Attend Damith's lecture (at: 31/12/2019)
 4. [E][X] Go fly kite (at: 31/12/2019)

delete - Delete the specified task from the tasklist

delete deletes the specified task from the tasklist, this is irreversible.

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

 Noted. I've removed this task:
   1. [T][X] Do homework

done - Mark a task as done

done marks a task in the tasklist as done.

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

 Nice! I've marked this task as done:

   1. [T][V] Do CS2103 individual homework (by: 31/12/2019)

todo - Add a todo task

todo adds a new todo task with a description

Example of usage:

todo Code some stuff

Expected outcome:

 Got it. I've added this task:
   [T][X] Code some stuff


deadline - Add a deadline task

deadline adds a new deadline task with a description and a deadline

Example of usage:

deadline CS2105 assignment /by 05102019 2359

Expected outcome:

 Got it. I've added this task:
   [D][X] CS2105 assignment (by: 05102019 2359)


event - Add an event task

event adds a new event task with a description and a event time

Example of usage:

event CS2105 midterms /at 07102019

Expected outcome:

 Got it. I've added this task:
   [E][X] CS2105 midterms (at: 07102019)
